Friday, January 9, 2009

There's A Thin Line

Between Love and Hate -- especially when you've donated an organ to the person who's now divorcing you.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

While We're At It

Since this is supposed to be a year of change (you know, the Whole Election Thing), why not make some changes that would REALLY be useful.

For example: a law that makes it illegal for STUPID PEOPLE to be allowed to drive.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Love and Squishes

This is just so sweet, funny, and wrong (in a good way)

Almost from Church and Steak on Vimeo.


The Reason Bettye LaVette Is Great

I thought if I waited a few days before posting this, I'd be able to think of something poetic to do this justice. I now realize that is not going to happen. The greatest thing I can do is share this live performance by Bettye LaVette (at the recent Kennedy Center Honors, where she performed as part of the tribute to The Who.) I wish the sound quality on the video were better, but, even with the poor sound, it's still the most achingly beautiful thing I've heard. Turn the speakers up, and be prepared to be blown away.


Sunday, January 4, 2009


When recipe titles go bad: Yellow Pea and Chorizo Chowder


The News Of My Demise

The headline from a recent Telegraph (of London) article:

Organisation is the secret to a long life

Ambitious, organised and conscientious people live longer than those who are impulsive, a study has found.

Apparently this means that my demise is imminent, as I'm vastly unorganized and horribly impulsive.


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